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Viajando en Brasil

Experience and walk with us


Enjoy a walk of 1 hour and half about the History of Cartagena de Indias and lives a delightful experience with our bilingual local guides.

* Enjoy a 1 hour and a half walk on the History of Cartagena de Indias and live a pleasant experience with our bilingual local guides.

We are gonna visit: Square, Parks, Churches, Cathedral, Colonial Houses, Streets, The Walls and more sites.

* We will visit: Plaza, Parks, Churches, Cathedral, Colonial Houses, Streets, The Walls and more places.

Schedules: Monday to Saturday at 9:30 Am and 4:00 Pm English Tour.

* Hours: Monday to Saturday 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM Tour in Spanish.

Meeting Point: Plaza de los Coches, under the statute of Pedro de Heredia.

* Meeting point: Car Square, under the statue of Pedro de Heredia.

Note: The reservation is obligatory to participate in the tour!

* Note: Reservation is mandatory to participate in the tour!


To make sure you are on the right tour according to your reservation, try to remember the name of the tourist guide and his face. Each guide is identified by name on his shirt and will be waiting at the meeting point with blue umbrellas.

All the freelance guides are not responsible for any injury to the body incurred during our tours.




Phone : 300 805 7290



Travel City Tours (RNT 52742). All rights reserved. Travel City Tours rejects the exploitation, pornography, sex tourism and all forms of sexual abuse of minors and contributes to the compliance of Law 679 of 2001.


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